Artist’s CV

work cv here. for pdf version of artist cv click here.


Lives and works in Bournemouth, UK, and Reading, UK

Born in Johannesburg, SA, May 2001


2019-22, BA (Hons) Fine Art 1st Class, Arts University Bournemouth, Poole, UK


2022, Sold!, Truman Brewery, London, UK. group show

2022, Summer Shows, Arts University Bournemouth, Poole, UK. group show

2022, Short Sounds Film Festival, Pavilion Dance South West, Bournemouth, UK. group show

2021, Mothers Tongue with Pitt Rivers (upcoming), online, group show. Inspired by the Pitt Rivers Museum, Oxford

2020, 10AM starts with 4AM panic Arts University Bournemouth, Poole, UK. group show

2018, First Steps The Holt School, Wokingham, UK. group show


2022, Writeresque. Cover artist for issue surrounding freedom of speech.

2021, Speculative Art and Visionary . Looking at the concept of esoteric publications and ‘Speculative Art’

2021 , Letter Writing with DAKOgamay. Looking at the conditions created by the global pandemic and the over-saturation of digital communication

Relevant Experience

2022, Project Manager, Head of Personal and Head of Web Design for Sold!, as well as installing

2021-22 Course Assistant for Fine Art at Saturday Art School, Arts University Bournemouth

2021, Head of promotion for Mothers Tongue

2020, Curating and installing 10AM starts with 4AM panic

2018-19, Project management team for W.I.L.D.E Week, Bracknell, UK.

2018, Curating and installing First Steps

2017-18, Art teaching assistant. Helping assist children in their work and carrying out lesson plans


2022, Painting for a private collection, Cape Town, SA

2020, Paintings for a private collection, Wokingham, UK

2018, Drawing for a private collection, Early, UK

2018, Painting for a private collection, Wokingham, UK

2017, Painting for a private collection, Berkshire, UK